Zonta Club of Porterville has a 501c3 organization, Porterville Zonta Foundation. The fund’s primary purpose is to provide scholarships and fund service project that advance the status of women in the local Porterville area, including the Central Family Crisis Center. You can also benefit the Porterville Zonta Foundation by attending An Evening of Art & Wine and the Zonta Christmas Home Tour. Our charitable giving storyboard.
To donate to the Zonta Club of Porterville Foundation, please use the Paypal Donation button below:
Thank you for your generosity that allows us to continue our shared mission.
If you would like to support these goals and join us in this important work, Zonta Club membership may be for you. Contact our membership chair at membership@zontaclubofporterville.org. By joining forces with like-minded women and men, your voice, service and contributions can make a lasting and meaningful impact on women’s lives everywhere.
If you would like more information please e-mail us at info@zontaclubofporterville.org